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Five events this week: Haunted stuff


Pumpkins and other Halloweenie stuff are starting to appear now that fall colors have returned and winter is in the horizon. Our Reno events calendar is also starting to get haunted. On deck this week are haunted events, including the haunted “Pumpkin Express” train ride on the V&T and an even more haunted Fourth Street area. 

There are plenty more listings on our calendar. Be sure to add your events here (free and paid options) to be considered for next week’s events preview column.

Sponsored events

  • “A Facility for Living” by Katie Forgette. Joe Taylor, a retired actor, moves into a prison-turned-elder-care facility shortly after the demise of Medicare and the election of Dick Cheney to President.  There he discovers a community of loveable, irascible inmates hell-bent on bucking the dehumanizing system in which they have landed.
  • Fall Bulb Festival at Wilbur D. May Arboretum. $7.00—$2 off with a non-perishable food item, under age 18 free. 

Editor’s picks

  1. Butcher Brown performance and master class. Join the UNR School of the Arts for a free and open-to-the-public masterclass and Q&A session with jazz fusion innovators Butcher Brown. No registration is required. Butcher Brown defines what music is without pre-imposed limitations — drawing inspiration from jazz, rap, indie and an inexhaustible list of other musical styles, they create a fresh, distinct sound that lives clearly in the moment. Performance details.
  2. “Rocky Horror Picture Show” Movie Screening. The cult classic Rocky Horror Picture Show is coming back to Greater Nevada field bigger and brighter than ever before for two straight nights. Enjoy the film on a high-resolution LED screen on the stage and on TV monitors throughout the upstairs area at Greater Nevada Field.
  3. Haunted Fourth Street. Get ready for a spine-tingling experience as The Brewery District comes alive for “A Nightmare on Fourth Street.” ! From eerie art exhibits to devilishly delicious drinks, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. 
  4.  The Pumpkin Express. This October, the V&T Railroad creates a family-fun Halloween-themed experience with the V&T Pumpkin Express Trains. Kids get to pick their special pumpkin to carve or cook, just in time for Halloween. 
  5. The Carson Creepy Short Horror Film Competition is a platform for local filmmakers to showcase their talent and creativity in the realm of horror. Whether you’re a seasoned horror filmmaker or a newcomer with a passion for the macabre, this competition is your opportunity to leave a lasting impression
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