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Dickson Realty agents named America’s Best Real Estate Professionals by RealTrends + Tom Ferry (sponsored)


An impressive number of Realtors® and teams from Dickson Realty were named on the RealTrends + Tom Ferry America’s Best Real Estate Professionals list, honoring the finest real estate agents ranked among the top 1.5% of 1.6 million real estate professionals in the U.S.

They are:

Ranked by Sides:
Nevada Rank Name Sides
21 Kathie Bartlett 52.0
21 Richard Berman 52.0
26 Lori Welsh 50.0
37 Joseph Wieczorek 44.0
39 Don Dees 43.0

Ranked by Volume:
Nevada Rank Name Volume
6 Joseph Wieczorek $55,436,008
11 Lori Welsh $44,231,841
15 Justin Hertz $40,809,000
17 Kathie Bartlett $40,220,765
19 David Hughes $34,801,750
24 Don Dees $32,255,727
41 Diana Renfroe $27,891,000
49 Richard Berman $24,975,869
57 Amanda Gunter $23,603,000
62 Marilyn Minor $22,252,825
72 Lisa Harrison $20,997,995
91 Diane Macdonald $17,956,034
92 Savannah Beauchemin $17,785,654
101 Christopher Whitney $16,904,490
105 Beth Cooney $16,541,586
108 Felisa Cusimano-Martin $16,322,316
112 Rebecca Dickson $16,210,000

Small Teams Ranking:
Nevada Rank Name Volume

1 Sullivan/Gore/Neal $163,047,242
(Brooke Sullivan, Heather Neal and Monica Gore)
12 The Keenan Group $47,444,700
(Kylie Keenan and Heather Keenan)

More than 27,500 real estate sales associates from every state are featured in this ranking.

RealTrends + Tom Ferry America’s Best Real Estate Professionals must meet the minimum protection thresholds of:

● An individual agent must close 40 residential transaction sides or $16 million in closed sales volume.
● A team must close 60 residential transaction sides or $24 million in closed sales volume.

America’s Best Real Estate Professionals includes those named in The Thousand, another RealTrends + Tom Ferry ranking, plus meet the next level of top producer. All data is based on 2022 numbers. 

“We are immensely proud to have our Dickson Realty agents recognized among this elite national group,” Nancy Fennell, CEO of Dickson Realty. “We applaud their commitment to excellence and the pursuit of delivering outstanding results in the industry. These achievements are a testament to the dedication, expertise and service our agents provide to their clients each and every day.” 

For more information about Dickson Realty, visit its website at dicksonrealty.com.

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