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Protecting HOA volunteers and staff: Strengthening community safety and respect (opinion)


Submitted by Matthew DeFalco

As a homeowner and active member of my community, I am thrilled to see the recent legislative action taken by our esteemed legislature and governor in passing SB 417 into law, effective October 1st. This legislation is a crucial step toward protecting the volunteers and staff of homeowners associations (HOAs) from harassment and bullying, and it sends a clear message that such behavior will not be tolerated within our communities.

In recent years, there has been a disturbing rise in harassment, violence, and even murder of HOA volunteers and staff across the country. It is disheartening to witness individuals who selflessly dedicate their time and effort to improving our communities face such hostility and danger. That is why the passing of SB 417 is so significant. It strengthens protections against harassment and bullying, providing a framework for holding individuals accountable for their actions and promoting a culture of respect and civility.

By creating a safe and respectful environment within our HOAs, we can ensure that everyone feels valued and heard. Active participation is crucial in shaping the future of our communities, protecting our investments, and fostering a sense of unity. When we treat others with respect and civility, we can create an environment where homeowners can actively participate without fear of intimidation or retribution.

It is important to acknowledge that HOAs have faced criticism in the past for being overly restrictive or unresponsive to homeowners’ concerns. However, it is crucial to remember that HOAs serve a vital purpose in maintaining property values, enforcing community standards, and resolving disputes. By actively participating in our HOAs, we can ensure that they operate in a fair and transparent manner, representing the best interests of all homeowners.

Matthew DeFalco

In conclusion, the passing of SB 417 is a significant step towards creating a safer and more respectful environment within our HOAs. As homeowners, we have the power to shape the future of our communities by actively participating, being informed, and treating others with respect. Let us embrace this legislation as an opportunity to create an environment where everyone feels valued and heard.

Matthew DelFalco the government affairs director at Olympia Companies and a board member with Leaders in Training. He is also a U.S. Army veteran, wildland firefighter and political campaign manager. 

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