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Monthly Archives: February, 2020

State Senator Ben Kieckhefer on Nevada’s Economic Forecast (sponsored)

Nevada State Senator Ben Kieckhefer gave the state economic forecast last week as part of the Vision 2020: Nevada Economic Forecast conference.

Nevada caucus shifts direction after Iowa debacle

This week, Nevada Democrats assured voters that what happened in Iowa won’t happen in Nevada while Washoe County distanced itself from the caucuses altogether.

VIDEO: Nevada’s Economic Forecast (sponsored)

University of Nevada, Reno College of Business Dean Greg Mosier gives the welcome and introductions at the Vision 2020: Nevada Economic Forecast held last...

Olsen gets official notice of reinstatement to School District after more than a year

Olsen's attorney, Luke Busby, went to court against WCSD to try to keep the district from taking any adverse actions against Olsen during litigation.

Sex offenders are living in local parks: Here’s why

Sex offenders in Nevada can register residences at nearly any describable location, including parks and intersections, placing many near schools and children.

Virginia Street construction continues northward in Midtown

Virginia Street construction continues in Midtown with activity heading north toward Liberty Street. Virginia Street will be open one way on Feb. 10, 2020...

Weekend getaway: Winnemucca offers a look at ranch life, past and present

The West is alive and well in Winnemucca, with working cowboys headed to town in late February for the Winnemucca Ranch Hand Rodeo Weekend.

TWAIN: Adventure and photography in the Sierra

Inspired by Mark Twain's adventures in "Roughing It," photographer Justin Majeczky created TWAIN, infusing the writer's narrative with his own time-lapse images of Lake Tahoe.

Apartment rents soften in Reno-Sparks area

Reno-area apartment rental rates have slipped, vacancy rates have inched higher, and at least one longtime observer of the market thinks the softening market is more than a mere fluke.

Reno agency wins international award for brand design

SPONSORED: Reno design firm Stan Can Design has won a German Design Award for their rebrand of local radio station, KUNR. The German Design Awards are the premier prize awarded by the German Design Council.

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