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Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District Meeting Highlights: April 21, 2015


The Washoe County Board of Fire Commissioners approved the tentative budgets for both Sierra and Truckee Meadows Fire Protection Districts. The Fiscal Officer for Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District (TMFPD), Vicki Van Buren, reported that the District’s finances remain solid and the District is projected to have a 25 percent fund balance at the end of FY 15-16.

Due to the decline in revenues from the recession in previous years, Van Buren said the District is collecting 7 percent less revenue than it did in FY 09-10 but continues to improve services to residents of the District. Improvements that have been made include the addition of district-wide Advanced Life Support (ALS) emergency medical services, flexible staffing, 100 percent uptime of all District fire stations and aggressive replacement of aging fire trucks with a fleet of new structural and wild land fire engines.

“The Capital Projects fund includes money to replace and relocate the aging Station 14 at Damonte Ranch and South Virginia to a location that will better serve County residents and a new logistics warehouse,” said Truckee Meadows Fire Protection Chief Charlie Moore.

Moore said moving the station will decrease response times to the Holcomb Ranch area of the District and improve second arriving engine response times to other areas of TMFPD.

“The station replacement can be funded without the need for accruing any debt,” said Moore.

Chief’s Report: Item 5.

Chief Moore said last month’s operations had three instances of responses to victims of cardiac arrest that resulted in successful outcomes based on rapid Advanced Life Support intervention by TMFPD paramedics and transport by REMSA to the nearest emergency room.

“I am very pleased District paramedics helped provide a positive outcome and our Advanced Life Support program continues to be validated,” said Chief Moore.

Chief Moore also reported the District will take extraordinary steps to help manage the usage of water by suspending hydrant flushing, although hydrant testing will be performed as usual. The District will also restrict training that involves flowing water.

SOURCE: Washoe County.

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