At today’s budget workshop, Reno City Manager Andrew Clinger announced the budget for fiscal year 2012-13, which begins July 1, will be the first budget in five years with no lay-offs, no cuts in services, and stabilized reserves.
The Reno City Council heard the proposed budget, which focuses on maintaining core city services, financial responsibility and transparency. The proposed budget continues large necessary infrastructure projects, focuses on public safety, increases fleet maintenance to begin catch-up on backlog, increases capital improvements and keeps pools operating at their current hours.
“Departments are continuing to hold the line on expenditures, decrease overtime and identify savings,” advised Clinger. “We are focused on realigning funds to functions they service so residents can see where their tax dollars go.”
The city of Reno is a smaller organization with the lowest staff per capita in more than ten years, at 4.8 staff per 1,000 residents. The budget for the city of Reno’s general fund is $155 million with all funds totaling $295 million.
The final City Council Budget Workshop on the fiscal year 2012-13 budget is set for Tuesday, May 15, at 3 p.m. The meeting will be held in the City Council Chambers on the first floor of Reno City Hall, 1 East First Street.