The Children’s Cabinet and the Katie Grace Foundation held a ribbon-cutting ceremony Friday to celebrate their partnership and unveil the new Katie’s Closet. The foundation provides clothing, shoes, toiletries and other items for Children’s Cabinet clients in need.
Founded by Kimberly Weingartner in 2017 after the tragic death of her 15-year-old daughter Katie, Weingartner started the organization by collecting and donating shoes, having distributed over 6,000 pairs of shoes to date.
Friday’s event unveiled a newly renovated space at the Children’s Cabinet in Reno. The closet space got a facelift, including new paint and shelf space to modernize the facility.
Designed to resemble a retail space, representatives for the nonprofits said they aim to “implement changes that not only enhance the physical environment but also uphold our values of dignity, respect and personal choice.”
Weingartner told This Is Reno that the items “kind of remind me of the kind of clothes that Katie would wear.” The wardrobe focuses on modern and stylish attire representing the “kind of things that kids love.” She also said that they were “changing the way Reno looks at donations. I really think we are focusing on being a help-up, not a handout. We are better together, and Reno can unite itself. We can be the cutting edge.”