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TMCC Safety Center to host ‘Global Harmonization System’ workshop



Educational workshops and panels explain new requirements, impact and how to be in compliance

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recently announced that effective in August of this year, employers must update their hazard communication programs and labeling systems to be in sync with the new “Global Harmonization System.”  The new requirements capitalize on the safety of those handling, transporting or storing chemicals. On Wednesday, Aug. 24 from 10 p.m. to noon, TMCC’s Safety Center will expand their safety education to local businesses by hosting a two hour workshop and discussion panel that will take a further look at the new requirements, the impact they will have on businesses and how businesses can remain in compliance with the new requirements.

“TMCC is a strong member of the Northern Nevada community and the Safety Center is doing its part to keep business members informed of new requirements,” said Scott Alquist, program manager for TMCC’s safety center. “This workshop and panel discussion will provide the fundamental knowledge businesses will need in order to continue operating their business safely. “

The program requires new methods for the classification of pure chemicals and mixtures, a standardized 16 section Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and a specialized labeling system that includes signal words and symbols. The chemical classification system will now be divided into three succinct categories including physical hazards, health hazards and environmental hazards. Each category is then broken down into additional sub categories. This system of grouping allows for more detail and therefore leads to safer handling, shipping and storage practices. Under the new requirements, the normal nine section MSDS will be unacceptable and replaced with a 16 section format that will affect shippers, manufacturers and companies that produce their own mixtures.

The event will include a two-hour workshop and panel discussion followed by lunch and a networking session. Event pre-registration is required and cost is $65 per person. To register please visit, www.tmcc.edu/wdce.  For more information contact Program manager, Scott Alquist, at 775-857-4958 or [email protected].

About TMCC

Truckee Meadows Community College is a comprehensive community college located in Reno, Nevada, and is part of the Nevada System of Higher Education. With five college sites and more than 20 community locations, TMCC serves over 20,000 students each year in state-supported programs and another 12,000 students in non-credit workforce development classes. For more information, please go to www.tmcc.edu.

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