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Monthly Archives: April, 2020

Day 40 – Introducing the six-year-old kid

Karl's 6-year-old-self reads us a letter written to Aunt Lola telling of his weekend adventures to the Tower Theater.

Magazine opposes Reno nonprofit’s use of “entrepreneur”

Entrepreneur, the magazine, doesn’t think that Entrepreneurs Assembly, the Reno-based mentoring group for start-up companies, has the right to use “entrepreneur” in its name.

Putting residents first: Standard Management Company doing its part during a pandemic (sponsored)

Given the current public health outbreak, Standard Management Company (SMC) provides resources and security for both staff members and residents at each Reno and Las Vegas property during this unprecedented time.

“Repeat arson offender” arrested again — for arson

The Reno Fire Department announced today the arrest of Justin Cloughly, 44, for a charge of third-degree arson.

Day 39 – Faded menu redux

Karl gets readers in on the act sharing comments and memories submitted in response to his Day 36 post "Faded Menus."

Community interviews McNeill to fill superintendent vacancy

Tuesday’s virtual town hall presenting Dr. Kristen McNeill as the lone candidate in Washoe County School District’s superintendent search was equal parts job interview and coronavirus response.

Hospital official: please call 911 for non-COVID-19 emergencies

Healthcare officials are concerned in the drop of calls to 911 and emergency room visits during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Police Chief Soto selected as acting city manager

Reno Chief of Police Jason Soto will be the interim city manager. He was selected by unanimous vote today by the Reno City Council.

State: Washoe job losses in thousands from COVID-19

The Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation this week released some of the first detailed information about the effects of the shutdown on workers in Washoe County.

La capacidad de recuperación de las víctimas de la delincuencia nos da esperanza para todos (opinión)

OPINIÓN: Aún en estos tiempos de crisis compartida, es importante reconocer que del 19 al 25 de abril, es la Semana Nacional de los Derechos de las Víctimas de la Delincuencia.

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