Every Wednesday, Urban Roots offers” Open Farm Tours” from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. The public is welcomed to come check out how things are growing on the farm.
Stage one of the new farm house is done. The floor is in and looking lovely. Walls have been painted and staff are getting settled in the new work space. A few more desks and a library are going in.
For more information email [email protected], or call 775-636-5105.
Urban Roots is founded on the idea that food is a powerful tool for academic and sustainable agriculture instruction. In order to realize the mission of growing healthy minds, bodies and communities, Urban Roots provides school and farm-based opportunities for teachers, students, families and future farmers. Urban Roots is a part of a larger movement in Northern Nevada to make the place we live abundant with healthy food, rich soil, and deep relationships with each other and the land.