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Safe Sleep Awareness for Infants and Toddlers


The Nevada Division of Child and Family Services (DCFS) joins with the state and local child death review teams to remind parents and caregivers the safest place for an infant or toddler to sleep, is in his or her own crib or bassinet; not in the bed with you. The crib or bassinet should be free from toys, soft bedding, blankets, and pillows. Also, when you leave your infant or toddler in the care of a child care provider, a family member, or a friend, make sure they are aware of safe sleep practices.

The concept of Safe Sleep is to combine education with supplies to support caregivers in their efforts to keep their children safe and reduce the risk of infant injury and death due to unsafe sleep environments. Through the Cribs for Kids program, cribs will be distributed free of charge to families who cannot otherwise afford one. For more information, go to: www.cribsforkids.org.

For more information about other Safe Sleep programs in Nevada, contact Jill Marano, Deputy Administrator, DCFS, (702) 486-7712.


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