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Messages in movie theaters address suicide prevention, how to get help


A public service announcement that emphasizes “pain doesn’t last forever, death does” is currently airing at the Galaxy Sparks movie theater in part to address suicide rates among Nevada’s youth.

The Washoe County Human Services Agency, Washoe County Health District and Safe Voice Nevada produced two short videos, one voiced by a man and the other voiced by a woman, who say they’re “glad they didn’t do it.”

Both were written and filmed from the perspective of an adult who is watching family videos of moments in life that he or she would not have experienced if they had killed themselves. The goal is to provide awareness about the free resources available if someone has suicidal thoughts.

You more than likely have a friend, relative or someone you know who has contemplated suicide.”

Suicide is the second leading cause of death among Nevadans ages 10-24, according to Nevada’s Office of Suicide Prevention.

Nearly one in five high school teenagers considers suicide, according to the Centers for Disease Control.

“That statistic tells us that you more than likely have a friend, relative or someone you know who has contemplated suicide,” Ryan Gustafson, HSA children’s services division director, said in a statement. “We want to educate the community about the ways suicide impacts us all one way or another, but there are several resources available to get help.”

Warning signs include someone threatening to hurt or kill themselves; talking or writing about death, dying or suicide; feeling trapped, hopeless and withdrawn; dramatic mood changes; and them saying they have no reason for living and no sense of purpose in life.

Those seeking help are asked to call 833-216-SAFE or download the Safe Voice application on their cellular phones.

Carla O'Day
Carla O'Day
Carla has an undergraduate degree in journalism and more than 10 years experience as a daily newspaper reporter. She grew up in Jacksonville, Fla., moved to the Reno area in 2002 and wrote for the Reno Gazette-Journal for 8 years, covering a variety of topics. Prior to that, she covered local government in Fort Pierce, Fla.