43.5 F

Fact-check Friday: That Crazy Bow-and-Arrow Guy Video


A Response to Lars Andersen: a New Level of Archery

Not all information is created equal. The Internet and its social media have enabled poor, speculative and straight false information to flourish. We hope to make this series of fact-checking articles focused on debunking popular issues, whether local, national or international.

Please send us your ideas here (and, a polite note: if it’s already been covered in-depth elsewhere or is wildly conspiratorial, we probably won’t rehash the issue here). We’re particularly interested in fact-checking local issues.

You may have seen the impressive video circulating in recent weeks of, as the New York Daily News puts, it, “Danish archer (performing) amazing historical bow and arrow tricks.” Further, the NY Daily News writes:

“Lars Andersen studied the way the way ancient hunters and warriors used archery for years, and has mastered many amazing feats. He said a major element was ignoring many ‘Hollywood myths’ that are actually ineffective when handling the weapon.”

You may watch the original video here. It is impressive, but it’s not accurate. Soon after after it went viral, a less popular video was launched. For an entertaining, point-by-point debunking, please watch below.

I hope you enjoyed our first fact-check Friday feature. Enjoy your weekend!

Bob Conrad
Bob Conradhttp://thisisreno.com
Bob Conrad is publisher, editor and co-founder of This Is Reno. He has served in communications positions for various state agencies and earned a doctorate in educational leadership from the University of Nevada, Reno in 2011. He is also a part time instructor at UNR and sits on the boards of the Nevada Press Association and Nevada Open Government Coalition.