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Opinion: Will Republicans stand with Wall Street or fight for Main Street?



By Phoebe Sweet

As national Republicans prepare to stand against common sense financial reforms that will hold Wall Street accountable, would Nevada’s GOP Senate candidates stand with Wall Street, or would they the oppose legislation that would prevent another financial crisis?

Less than two years after Wall Street greed ravaged our financial system, creating a spiral of job losses, national Republicans still stand with the financial institutions whose risky practices created this meltdown.

So, how would GOP candidates Sharron Angle, Sue Lowden and Danny Tarkanian vote on this bill?

Top GOP Senate candidates are standing shoulder to shoulder with big Wall Street banks:

· Sue Lowden favors less protection for taxpayers from abuses on Wall Street. Lowden said the “financial meltdown was the result of too much government regulation, not too little.” [Las Vegas Sun, 4/4/2010]

· Sharron Angle opposes accountability measures, even for banks that were bailed out by taxpayers. Responding to a question about banks who received TARP money giving bonuses to executives, Angle said “We don’t go in and tell business what to do. That’s not what government’s supposed to be about.” [Face to Face with Jon Ralston, 2/3/2010]

· And Danny Tarkanian, too, has come out in opposition to common sense reforms for Wall Street, sending an email to supporters that repeated national GOP talking points long since debunked.

“Being a United States Senator requires letting Nevadans know how you’d represent them, defined by your public statements and more explicitly by your votes. Despite this, Nevada’s GOP Senate candidates refuse to make clear if they’d stand with the big Wall Street banks who caused this financial crisis or fight for Main Street and real financial reform with teeth. Why the continued silence?” said Phoebe Sweet, communications director for the Nevada State Democratic Party. “Nevadans are tired of a Republican Party that sides with big business time and again, forgetting the ordinary Nevadans who are struggling to make ends meet every day. Luckily we have Sen. Harry Reid fighting common sense reforms and for our interests in Washington.”

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