Raising awareness about the dangers of driving while under the influence of alcohol
Need 2 Speed Indoor Kart Racing partners with the Reno Police Department and Zero Teen Fatalities for an impaired driving simulation event Tuesday, Sept. 12 at 7 p.m. In honor of 9|11, there will be a donation jar at the event with proceeds benefiting first responders in the Reno area.
Community members will witness just how dangerous drinking while driving can be, but do so in a controlled environment. During the event, with the track closed to the public, ten drivers will travel at speeds of up to 45 miles per hour while wearing DUI simulation goggles to mimic the effects of drinking while driving.
There is one car accident caused by drinking and driving every 53 minutes in the US. The success of Need 2 Speed’s two previous simulation events, demonstrating driving impairment caused by texting or marijuana usage, convinced the owners to bring the community a drinking and driving event as well.
Need 2 Speed is located at 6895-B Sierra Center Parkway in south Reno. Call 775-851-7223 for more information or visit http://need2speed.com/.
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