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Opinion: About that budget plan…



roryreid-150x150-1048383-1088935The Rory Reid campaign congratulates Brian Sandoval for actually attempting to participate in the race for governor by launching a new TV ad today . . . although he does so with falsehoods and without any substance, once again.

Now, about that budget plan…

Twelve days from the start of early voting, Sandoval has no plan for Nevada’s future or the looming budget crisis, despite promising repeatedly to release one to voters. His lobbyist-handlers and the special interests must not have written one for him yet.

In contrast, Reid has proposed a balanced budget blueprint, demonstrating how he would fill the state’s budget shortfall without raising taxes.

Reid believes that voters deserve a chance to review Sandoval’s plan before they go to the polls, something they won’t get a mere few days from Early Vote.

Check out our latest video.

To date, Sandoval’s campaign has been notable only for its lack of campaigning. Instead, he has remained pathetically silent. In comparison, Reid released six innovative plans for the future of Nevada.

Reid offered details for creating jobs, reforming ethics laws, reinventing our schools, balancing the state budget, improving higher education and using renewable energy to achieve economic diversity.

And Reid’s plan to balance the state’s budget includes no new taxes and zero cuts to education. Sandoval–the Republican with no budget plan–told the Las Vegas Review-Journal today what we’ve suspected all along: He’s going to balance the budget on the backs of our children.

“As Brian Sandoval noticed in his new ad, Rory is angry,” said Mike Trask, spokesman for Rory 2010. “He’s angry at the dire situation Nevadans face. Kids are in overcrowded classrooms. Families are underwater in their mortgages. And the powerful interests running Brian Sandoval’s campaign always get their way.”

Rory Reid is the only candidate for governor to offer solutions for today and a plan for Nevada’s future success–supporting strong schools for a stronger economy. For more information about his campaign or to download his plans, visit Rory2010.com.

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Nevada’s state budget is flush. Hmm, how’d that happen? (opinion)

When Joe Lombardo is inaugurated as governor next year, he’ll enjoy perhaps the rosiest budget scenario ever inherited by a new Nevada governor.