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Reno City Council proclaims January 28 “Reno Mentoring Day”


10671289_10153450717558502_8508490072681688631_n-300x300-9345005-1203942In concert with the Presidential proclamation of National Mentoring Month and “My Brother’s Keeper” mentoring initiative, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northern Nevada (BBBSNN) and the Reno City Council teamed up to proclaim Mentoring Month in Reno, and January 28 as Reno Mentoring Day in the Biggest Little City.

The goals of Reno Mentoring Day are to raise awareness of mentoring, recruit citizens to mentor, and encourage organizations to engage and integrate quality mentoring into their efforts.

As the premier mentoring program in northern Nevada, BBBSNN provides at-risk youth in the community with caring, safe, professionally supported mentoring relationships, contributing to brighter futures, better schools and a stronger community for all.

BBBSNN’s evidence-based programs are effective in encouraging positive choices, promoting self-esteem and supporting academic achievement.

“Data shows our mentoring programs are also effective in preventing risky behaviors such as school violence and discipline problems, substance abuse, incarceration, teen pregnancy and truancy,” Liza Maupin, BBBSNN CEO, said.

“Mentors of at-risk youth have a huge impact on our entire community, including education and the economy,” Maupin concluded.

The mission of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northern Nevada is to provide children facing adversity with strong and enduring, professionally supported, one-to-one relationships that change their lives for the better forever.

Miriam Hodgman
Miriam Hodgman
Miriam Hodgman is originally from San Francisco. She previously was the communications coordinator for the largest hunger-relief organization in Sonoma County, California. She has a bachelor’s degree in American history, with a minor in American Indian studies, from San Francisco State University, and has a master’s degree in public administration from Sonoma State University. She enjoys training a variety of martial arts.