Informal Regional Collaboration Trend Begins Strengthening Local Community Power
Reno Sparks Neighborhoods is expanding the Neighborhood Councils project. These twelve councils research community building opportunities to increase critical thinking and engagement to solve our region’s most difficult problems. Some council applicants prefer to meet in person while others coordinate entirely online.
The Reno Councils provide support for the NABs (Neighborhood Advisory Boards) and bridge communication between nonprofits.
The Sparks Councils will restart neighborhood meetings for the City of Sparks.
Washoe County researchers simplify government data for grassroots planning and increase communication with city agencies.
Technology allows us to incorporate each volunteer’s efforts. Ideas are included whether a volunteer has five minutes a month or forty hours a week to put into a project. Volunteers organize feedback and maintain transparency.
What will citizen engagement look like in the new economy? More people expect flexible government, personal control, and innovative solutions to increase neighborhood quality.
Please consider joining your neighborhood council to connect with others engaged in the neighborhoods you care about most.
The Reno Sparks Neighborhoods moto is “Growing Neighborhood Connections,” and our mission is to “To empower Reno, Sparks, and Washoe County citizens with supplementary resources and tools” – The twelve neighborhood councils are: Downtown Reno, North Valleys, Spanish Springs, Northwest Reno, North Reno Sparks, Marina Parks, Southwest Reno, Central, Downtown Sparks, South Reno, Southeast, and nearby areas.
If you’d like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with some of the volunteers, please contact Jay at [email protected] or cell: (775) 391-0742.