A top scientist in charge of mobility and robotics systems for NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) will give a presentation on technology development related to NASA’s Mars Rover program at the University of Nevada, Reno Friday. The presentation is open to the public
Richard Volpe is manager of the Mobility and Robotic Systems Section at JPL. The section consists of a team of more than 80 robotics engineers who are doing research and spaceflight implementation of robotic systems for roving, digging, ballooning, drilling and other modes of planetary exploration.
WHO: Roger Volpe, manager of Mobility and Robotics Systems at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory
WHAT: Presentation on technology development related to NASA’s Mars Rover program
WHEN: Friday, Feb. 5 from noon to 1 p.m.
WHERE: Schrugham Engineering Building, Room 234, University of Nevada, Reno
Go to http://www.unr.edu/nevadanews/templates/details.aspx?articleid=5325&zoneid=40 for the complete story.