Western Nevada College “Faces, Voices, Stories” series presents a free screening of the documentary “The Nature of Existence” and Q&A with filmmaker Roger Nygard. Marlette Hall, 2201 W. College Pkwy, Carson City, Friday, May 14, 7pm. Contact Shelly Bale, 775-445-3283.
Why are we here, and what are we supposed to do about it? What started the Universe, and was it a mistake? Does God exist, and why does he seem so interested in our sex lives? After exploring the phenomenon of Trekkies, filmmaker Roger Nygard took on The Nature of Existence.
Nygard roamed the globe to the source of each of the world’s philosophies, religions, and belief systems, and interviewed people who have influenced, inspired, or freaked out humanity.
The film is a humorous yet uplifting search for enlightenment, presenting some of the most challenging ideas and extraordinary people you’ll ever see.