STAND TALL NEWS RELEASE FERNLEY – Healthy Communities Coalition’s Stand Tall groups from every high school in Lyon, Storey and Mineral will gather for their winter leadership training at Fernley High School on February 23. Churchill County’s Stand Tall group will also participate in the training. The groups select a different high school for their winter training each year. During the summer, the groups gather for an in-depth three- day leadership training, usually at Lake Tahoe or University Nevada Reno.
During the training, the teens will learn ways to promote a sober and healthy lifestyle among their peers and in their communities. They’ll learn more about new trends in prescription, alcohol, and illegal drug use and how to bring a message of prevention to their schools and towns. They’ll also learn more about how to effectively educate their communities about good nutrition and fitness, and they’ll learn more about tobacco use prevention and cessation strategies. In addition, they’ll learn how to use community strategies to reduce access to alcohol for those under 21.
For more information please call Lavurne Jeffreys, regional Stand Tall team coordinator with Healthy Communities Coalition at 775-246-7550.
Stand Tall groups are sponsored in Lyon, Storey and Mineral by Healthy Communities Coalition and exist in each high school in all three counties. Teens learn leadership skills such as public speaking, and work with their schools and communities to prevent alcohol, tobacco, prescription and other drug use and to promote good nutrition and fitness. The teams also take on a number of projects every year to serve their communities, including coat, shoe and food drives. Stand Tall teams help raise funds for their teams by providing face painting and other services at community events. In addition, Stand Tall teams sponsor community 5K Walk/Run events to promote fitness and to raise funds for their Stand Tall scholarships. Scholarships are being offered at Fernley, Dayton and Silver Stage high schools this year.