The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Carson City District continues to seek and collect information on roads and trails to help create a comprehensive route inventory that will be used to form the basis for a travel management system of designated routes for all modes of travel (motorized and non-motorized) on public land within the district. The BLM is revising its 2001 Resource Management Plan (RMP) and is especially interested in gaining information on routes, uses and conflicts in high-use areas, as well as to identify existing access points for travel on public land. The BLM would like to hear from the public on this issue through November 30, 2012.
Revising the RMP is necessary to address a number of new issues, higher levels of interest around existing issues, and new public land uses and concerns that aren’t included or adequately addressed in the 2001 Carson City Field Office Consolidated RMP. The BLM has identified the need to address travel management/recreation for off-highway vehicle (OHV) designations and special recreation management areas in the revised plan.
The planning area is located in portions of 12 counties within two states: Washoe, Storey, Carson City, Douglas, Lyon, Churchill, Mineral, and Nye counties in Nevada, and Sierra, Alpine, Plumas, and Lassen counties in California. The planning area encompasses about 5 million acres of public land.
In October, the BLM held three public workshops on travel management planning. The workshops were well attended and provided valuable information for the planning effort. A range of route designation options will be presented for additional public comment when the Draft RMP becomes available for public comment.
For more information and to view the draft route inventory maps go to: (Click on the link to the Carson City District Resource Management Plan Revision, and then the link to maps).
For more information, please contact Colleen Sievers, project manager, at: 775-885-6000.