Brian Sandoval’s campaign plans to air a new ad for Spanish-language television are designed to mask the fact that he does not support Hispanics’ interests and has done nothing to reach out to the community during his campaign.
Sandoval’s dismal record on Hispanic issues led legendary activist Dolores Huerta to have some harsh words for the Republican candidate. “Just because somebody has a Latino last name, like Sandoval, that doesn’t mean that person is going to fight for you,” she told a group of Rory Reid volunteers last week.
To review Sandoval’s record on Hispanic issues:
Flip-Flop 1: Sandoval told a group of Hispanics that he would “strongly consider” allowing undocumented immigrants to obtain drivers licenses. But, when asked by the press, he said he would never allow undocumented immigrants to obtain drivers licenses.
Flip-Flop 2: At a tea party debate during the Republican primary race, Sandoval stated emphatically, “I absolutely support the Arizona law.” Later, after appeasing the tea partiers, he would soften his position on the new Arizona immigration laws.
On the Arizona law: Brian Sandoval told Univision that he was unconcerned about his children being racially profiled because they “don’t look Hispanic.” Commented Huerta: “That is like racism when somebody says something like that. We need to be proud that we have dark skin.”
Endorsements: Hispanics in Politics and executive director of the Latino Chamber of Commerce Otto Merida have endorsed Reid. Merida, a Republican, had previously supported Sandoval. “I have known Brian Sandoval for many years and supported his candidacy,” Merida said. “But I have become disillusioned by his lack of plans for education or economic diversity in Nevada. I was further disheartened when Brian Sandoval turned his back on the Hispanic community and spoke out in favor of the recent Arizona immigration legislation.”
On TV: Reid placed the second Spanish-language ad of his campaign on statewide television last week. Sandoval is merely responding.
Rory Reid is the only candidate for governor to offer solutions for today and a plan for Nevada’s future success – supporting strong schools for a stronger economy. For more information about his campaign or to download his plans, visit